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God Growing Greater

In this interesting dialogue between a researcher and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they are asked if our growth adds to God’s growth.

Questioner:  If God is in total complete, then would He be growing greater, and can God grow by our growth?

The Council:  This almost brings a laugh to us.

Questioner:  Well, I thought it would.

The Council:  If God in any way had to depend on your growth or on our growth, all we could say is "God forbid."  We would all be in a peck of trouble.  No, God does not need you nor does He need us.  He can exist in total without you because in reality you are a breath that He has exhaled.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Sort of.


The Council:  We are glad you are honest about it. You are something that He has created from His own Being and has set free to either accompany Him or to abandon Him.  You see, He is a Being that is within Himself constantly growing, but then again this is almost a false statement because He is all that is and there is nothing other than Him.  But, shall we say, to explore Himself there is no limit to what He can explore, and to share in this awesome glorification He has created others to be brought up, to be taken up into this glorious experience, and thus He has created you just like Himself.

Questioner:  What do you mean "just like Himself"?

The Council:  He has created you with the same abilities and powers that He has.  Of course, this is in a much smaller degree, but you see, once you prove yourself, then when you co-exist you will become much more greater than what you are.

Questioner:  Well, when an entity reaches perfection and goes back to the Father, does this add to the Father or His Kingdom or does it add to the entity?

The Council:  Of course, it adds to the entity who has reached perfection.  It does not add to God the Father.  If it adds anything to God the Father, it adds to His Joy to see that you have done so well with what He has given you and that you have loved Him as much as He has loved you in that you were willing to return.  So in this you Co-Exist, and in this He gives you the opportunity to, shall we say, do many things that you have not even begun to dream of yet.

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